through worship...
through ministry and fellowship, as He is…
through discipleship and missional outreach.
That is our purpose at Schomburg Road Baptist Church. Everything we do is driven from these six short words written above. By understanding this statement you will better understand who we are.
In Loving Him, we will seek to love our Lord with all of our heart, mind, and soul. This includes being in the center of His will at all times. It is our purpose to glorify Him in all that we do in worship and service.
We can be about Loving Them because He first loved us. In all that we do, we desire to be vessels of His love. Starting with our families, to our neighbors, and to all of the world.
God is in the business of Changing Lives. We seek to see God change the lives of others by our influence and leadership through a growing relationship at all levels. This mission will be accomplished by pointing people towards and introducing them to Jesus Christ. As the relationship grows, we will seek to teach, disciple, and mentor the people God brings our way. We want to help them in their hurts and to cope with all of life’s opportunities. It is our desire to role model as individuals and a church a life that lives for Christ in the power of His Spirit through His Word. In short: “Preach to many, teach to some, disciple a few, and mentor one to one.”
Do you know how many seeds are in an apple?
What about how many apples in an apple?
Or more importantly, how many TREES are in an apple?
As for His Kingdom, we THINK ORCHARD.
This reminds us that we are to be Kingdom minded; a church that is seeking to build up HIS Kingdom and not our church. Thinking Orchard is how our purpose statement is lived out.
Because of this, we are involved with the Columbus Baptist Association and partnering with other churches in different ministries and missions locally, within our state, across our country and around the world. Specifically, we are involved in Valley Rescue Missions, Crossroads Addition Recover Program, Sound Choices Pregnancy Clinic, Rutledge State Prison, Operation Christmas Child, GBC Children’s Home and more. We also have been on short-term mission trips to South Carolina, Arkansas, Kentucky, Florida, Mississippi, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, Zimbabwe, Thailand, Uganda, and East Asia.
Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.
Matthew 28: 19-20 (NASB)